Last Updated: 7 December 2011

Privacy policy statement of Nielsen TV Audience Measurement PTY LTD as supplier and marketing agent for Regional TAM Pty Limited.

Commitment to Privacy

The privacy of our panel members and survey respondents is extremely important to Nielsen TV Audience Measurement.

We have at all times regarded privacy as a serious matter on which the goodwill of the company depends and adhere strictly to the National Privacy Principles and the Marketing & Social Research Privacy Principles proposed by the Market Research Society of NSW.

This statement sets out our policies with regard to personal information that is provided to us as a result of our survey and panel recruitment work.

The types of information we collect

The kind of information we collect generally includes your name, address, telephone numbers, date of birth and employment details, and similar information for the other members of your household. We may also collect information regarding the ownership of TV's and other related equipment, which tells us more about your television viewing behaviour.

We do not collect information that does not have a direct relevance to your selection and invitation to join a television-viewing panel.

We may collect information which some regard as sensitive, specifically your country of birth, but only after warning you of the type of information we seek and its purpose. We also will always offer you the option of not answering such questions.

How we collect information

We collect information through telephone surveys and though follow-up face-to-face interviews and self-report questionnaires with members of our television panel. We collect information about other members of your household through the primary interview with a responsible adult member of the household.

All members of the household are made aware of the data we collect and reason for its collection.

The surveys we conduct may be conducted by our sister company, Millward Brown Australia or by our own staff. Millward Brown has signed agreements with this company to guarantee that our commitment to privacy is honoured in all aspects as if it were stored by Nielsen TV Audience Measurement. Millward Brown also adheres to the National Privacy Principles in its business as a market research company.

We do not purchase or collect identified personal information in any other manner.

How we store information

We store personal information in very secure computer storage facilities and some paper based files. Electronic access is guarded by a series of "firewalls" which prevent intentional or accidental access. Direct access to the system is limited to a small number of qualified Nielsen TV Audience Measurement staff that has personally signed commitments to the company's Privacy regulations.

The central reason for the storage of personal information is for recruitment to our television viewing panels. When individual people leave the panel or express the intention not to join, all their personal information is de-identified to ensure their continued privacy.

How you can access your own personal information

We have set up procedures by which we make the access to your own personal information as simple as possible. You may feel the need to check its accuracy or to establish that it is kept under secure conditions.

You would need to make arrangements to call at any one of our offices situated in the mainland capital cities that are listed on the Contact page of this website. A personal visit is necessary, as we obviously have to ensure your identity. You will be provided with a copy of all information that we hold that can be identified with your name and address.

If at any time you wish to remove or have destroyed any information that we may hold in regard to you or your household, it is simply a matter of a call to the Privacy Officer. Providing we can establish your identity, any information that we hold in regard to yourself or your household can be destroyed or removed within 24 hours at your request.

The transfer of information outside of Nielsen TV Audience Measurement

Our clients, the Television Networks of Australia, have no access to (and no interest in accessing), your personal information. The information we pass to them is in the form of aggregated statistics and is totally de-identified, that is, it cannot be linked back any individual person.

We do not pass on, sell or grant access to any personal information whatsoever.

From time to time, as a security measure, we send all of our household information to our Corporate Support Centre in Switzerland, but all such information is de-identified and can only be linked back to specific individuals in this office.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this policy or any related issues, please e-mail us at or phone 02 9490 6500 and ask for the Privacy Officer. You can also write to:

The Privacy Officer
Nielsen TV Audience Measurement Pty Ltd
166 Epping Rd